Jindongnan-Nanyang-Jingmen UHV Project
In May 2017, our company signed asupply contract forangle steel tower of the1000 kV Jindongnan-Nanyang-JingmenUHV AC pilot demonstration project, with atotal of 4,960 tons. This project is China'sfirst UHV AC power transmission andtransformation project, and is also theworld's most advanced AC powertransmission and transformation projectwith the highest operating voltage.
Business Division 1:0512-52401555
Division 2:0512-52409898
Product details
In May 2017, our company signed asupply contract forangle steel tower of the1000 kV Jindongnan-Nanyang-JingmenUHV AC pilot demonstration project, with atotal of 4,960 tons. This project is China'sfirst UHV AC power transmission andtransformation project, and is also theworld's most advanced AC powertransmission and transformation projectwith the highest operating voltage.