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Subsidiary company profile
  Fengfan Green Buiding (Changshul) Co. Ltd s the seond whlly-owmned subsidanes o Changshu Fengtan PowerEqupment Co Lad The compeary was sabished in July 2013. which is lcated n the ratl hub of Jangu Province -NO.1 Huaye road, Dongbarg toan, Changshu city. East abong with the Yangtze River high way: South: chose toSuhou-JeaoingHangehou Expresswey. Norm: ner Changshu pot the taf is extrermely corverient The comparycowers an areu of 154358 square meers. planning onstution aree of 64581 squre meters; the man factory buidingcowers an area of 21963 square metors. The compary rogstered capieal o 200 mlion Yuan wth a total imestment of820 milion Yuan, the arnual producton capacity of 300000 tons. arrual output value of 1.77 blin Yuan tax tumower ofaboul 290 rilion Yun.
    The company s specdalzing in the producton o new buiding smucure wih c∞d bendng sto0l square moment ofstol tube, steel stucture o bargo enterprses, which s sow can produce mora than 300 x 300 mm square, rectangulbrsteel pipe wth cold orved holow setion in the domesic. Company deeoped dredty into welded pipe production ineis a keading, high level d lange cod bendng s1ee1 moking poducion ine al 8 time, is main techmical charaderstes areused arectly rnto the new tcrnogy, sold state high trquency welding and on-Hine rol changng combination andassembly technology. technoiogy has reached the leading domestic levol, the compary's 600x 600 x 20 mm lrge hllowsection is bo f the domestic blonk.
    The large-scale cold-formed hollow steel produced by the company is a new type of green building material. Itsapplication is very extensive. According to the Notice on Forwarding the Green Building Action Plan of the Ministry ofHousing and Urban-Rural Development of the Development and Reform Commission by General Office of the StateCouncil, it clearly defines the main goal during the "Telth Five-Year Plan" period, that is, the completion of 1 bllionsquare meters of new green buildings; by the end of 2015, 20% of new urban buildings meet the requirements of greenbuilding standards. At the same time, it puts forward key tasks: promoting prefabricated concrete and steel structures andother building systems suitable for industrial production, accelerating the development of prefabrication and assemblytechnology of construction projects, and improving the integration level of building industrialization technology. Greenbuilding will bring a broad market to steel structure houses. As an important component of steel structure construction,large-scale cold-formed hollow steel has broad development prospects.
    The company will maintain the esprit of "continuous improvement, never satisfied, the pursuit of better quality;,market service, customer satisfaction and meet more demand", to provide customers with quality products, and wewelcome all friends to visit to seek common development.
Jiangsu Fenghua Energy Co., Ltd
  Jiangsu Fenghua Energy Co.. Ltd is thethird wholly-owned subsidiaries of ChangshuFengfan Power Equipment Co., Ltd. Thecompany was established on 6th May, 2015 withthe registered capital of 100 million Yuan. Inaddition to the import and export of goods andtechnology, the company is specializing in thesale of fuel oil, pitch (excluding dangerouschemicals, chemicals subjected to supervisionand control, precursor chemicals and civilexplosives), tower mast structural components,metal products, rolled steels, raw materials forspinning knitwear, chemical products(excludingdangerous goods) and nonferrous metals.

Suzhou Fengfan Asset Management L imited
 Suzhou Fengfan Asset Management Limited is the fourth wholly-owned subsidiaries of Changshu FengfanPower Equipment Co.. Ltd. The company was established on 26th July, 2016 with the registered capital of 50million Yuan. The company is mainly engaged in the M&A and Reorganization, asset management, investmentmanagement, and the acquisition of non-performing assets; it is entrusted by financial institutions to providenotification services of overdue credit cards and loans, and is entrusted by banks and other financial institutionsto deal with the bad assets. Besides, the company also provides enterprise management consulting, marketingplanning, market information consultation and planning, accounts receivable management and consultation andcontract consulting services.

Chairman message
Party Secretary of the Company
    Looking back, there are both achievements and problems; Based on the current situation, there is both pressure and opportunity; Looking ahead, we have both momentum and confidence. We should always be ready to overcome difficulties and ride the waves. We should strengthen our thinking, apply our strength in policy, gather our strength in management, and contribute to brand building. We should stay true to our original aspiration, remain focused, and resolve difficulties and problems in development with the courage to turn inward. This is the only way to make greater breakthroughs and create new glory.
    In the past, we should strengthen ideological education, adhere to the original intention, from the top down, strengthen the awareness of "today is better than yesterday, tomorrow is better than today", improve the "quality awareness", improve the work quality, work efficiency, work ability, to fundamentally improve people's ideology, quality, ability. We should adhere to the people-oriented, build a loyal enterprise, dare to take responsibility, work hard management team, for the realization of high-quality sustainable development of the enterprise to provide a strong guarantee, the key is to strengthen ideological and political education, the enterprise culture, development concept, management system internalized in the mind, solidified in the system, physical. To grasp the ideological construction, as the long-term development of the enterprise, to build a century-old store fundamental guarantee.
  • 1992
    Changshu Steel Tower Co., Ltd. was established by the original shareholders under the leadership of General Manager, Fan Jiangang.
  • 1993
    Changshu Steel Tower Co, Ltd. was put into production and annual production of steel towers of that year was 8000 MT.
  • 1995
    In order to enlarge the business, CSTC set up the strategy of spreading business to the south and to the north of China. It took 6 months to make
    investigations and preparations.
  • 1996
    It ranked 36th in the Top 100 Companies List ssed by Changshu Municipal Govemment.
    With the implementation of the strategy, the tumover of that year amounted to 50 milion RMB and the factory got the order of communication towers forUS base in Okinawa in Japan.
  • 1997
    Got IS09001 certilicate. Since then, upon expiration, the company has been successuly passing the renewing accreditations.
    Owing to superior quality of the products supplied to Japan, CSTC got the order for communication towers in Nagano Winter Olympic Games. Since thenCSTC started to bring intemational market into is wision.
    Awarded Class A Credit Company by Jiangsu Surul Certifed Public Accountants Co, Ltd.
  • 2000
    Since that year, CSTC was sccssively entled as Class AAA Credit Company by Jiangsu Dongyu Intemational Consultancy and Evaluation Co, Ltd.
    CSTC started the construction of steel pole workshop, which was finished by the end of the next year.
  • 2002
    Awarded as the Excellent Company in the compettion of Three Gorges Power Transmission Project by Construction Company of theState Gnid of China.
    Awarded as the Excellent Company in the construction competition of Three Gorges Power Transmission Project by ConstructionCompany of the State Grid of China.
  • 2003
    Got the license to produce 500KV steel towers.
  • 2004
    Pipe towers production started this year amounted to 5000 MT
  • 2005
    Ranked among the Top 20 Private Companies by Changshu Municipal Govemment.
  • 2006
    The first cormpany in China to produce 1000KV power transmission steel towers and substation structures.
  • 2007
    Plant m was formally put into production by the end of that year.
  • 2008
    Honored as the Jiangsu Private Science & Technology Enterprise, Special Contribution Award for Science &Technology Development by Private Enterprises as well as Special Contribution Award for the fight against icedisaster and accidents in the South Gnid.
  • 2009
    The first insulated pole tower with China's independent ntellectual property started its trial operation.
  • 2010
    Became qualified supplier of CSG and got BS OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health Certificate
  • 2011
    uccesstully listed on the Shanghai stock market, stock code 601700. CS TC is awarded as "JiangsuHigh tech Enterprises Certificate" and "Jiangsu High tech SMEs Certificate'.
  • 2012
    Established "Changshu Fengfan Properties Ltd." and "Fengfan Green Buildings (Changshu) Co, Ltd."
  • 2013
    Awarded as "National Trustworthly Enterprise", and invented to establish "Jiangsu XiangyiAviation Technology L td." CSTC won the bidding of 25660 towers of 220Kv ST SEUCOMSA
  • 2014
    Awarded as 3A credit enterprise of China Eledricity Councir, Suzhou innovation pioneerenterprise" and invested "Menglan Xinghe Energy Co, Ltd and "Beijing EMCC
  • 2015
    Awarded as "Certificate for Contracting foreign construction projects", "Jiangsuenterprise technology center and "Jiangsu key research and developrmentinstitution' and established whally owned subsidiary "Jiangsu FenghuaEnergy Co,Lidr
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One platform
Fengfan shares regards the company as a platform for bringing personal wisdom and ability into full play, a platform for families to strive for a well-off life, and a platform for making contributions to the country.
Two interests
Reputational interests, economic interests
Three criteria
Safety standards, Quality standards, Honor and Efficiency standards
Four Management Philosophy
“Sincerity" is to seek truthfulness and sincerity. The company centers on the "Sincerity" in pursuing excellence, advocating the spirit of openness and equality, and paying respects to and encouraging the initiatives and innovation.
“Sincerity" is to seek truthfulness and sincerity. The company centers on the "Sincerity" in pursuing excellence, advocating the spirit of openness and equality, and paying respects to and encouraging the initiatives and innovation.
“Honesty" is to do business and to treat people in good faith. Honesty is the character of a person of integrity. The company is devoted to developing new products of high technological content, offering superior and sincere services to customers, and giving returm to the society while gaining benefits.
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